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German research institutions to develop surplus million cycles lithium battery
Source: | Author:YCY | Published time: 2016-04-19 | 4175 Views | Share:
German Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Centre (ZSW) recently announced the development of surplus ten thousand times the complete cycle of high-performance lithium-ion battery, this cycle stability beyond the current international advanced technology.

From a technical point of view, over million times the cycle life is defined: after ten thousand times full charge and discharge, new lithium battery is still 85% of capacity remaining. In addition to this particularly excellent parameters, the power density of 1100 watts per kg, which has been at the international level, the battery performance comparable to today's leading Asian manufacturer's products. Asia's leading manufacturers, including South Korea's LG, Samsung and Japan's Sanyo battery / battery Matsushita (Panasonic acquired Sanyo).

ZSW million life lithium battery, there have been a small sample, these small batteries manufactured by semi-Ulm, Germany (Ulm) City ZSW Battery Technology Laboratory (eLaB), and by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and German Federal Ministry of economics and technology (BMWi) joint funding.
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